My blog has been down or so I thought. So that is why I have been such a bore. I really think it is my Mac which I hate to admit since I love my Mac, but because of my Mac meltdown I have been unable to tell you about my Corpus Christi adventures.

So Matt and I are moving to good ol' Corpus Christi, he is so excited and I am too but like any neurotic, anal, psychopath wife I am a little nervous. We semi planned to take a trip to Corpus and hopped in the car and drove the four long hours to the coast. I forgot how fun/loud Matt is on road trips as he attempted to sing every single song that came on the radio. At least it was a good distraction from the miles and miles of corn fields that further reminded me of the King Corn documentary and got me all in a frenzy.

As soon as we arrived, we hit the food. HARD! Corpus has food so I think I might like the place. After a bunch of seafood we made our way to the hotel. At a stoplight I turned to my right and saw a gentlemen with his lovely girlfriend in the car beside us. It would have been perfectly normal except for the fact that he was mysteriously and creepily twirling a knife! I started to sweat, and rethink this whole Corpus thing. No worries though we were in the good part of town.
The whole purpose though was to find a home for Matt and I. Although the homes in Corpus are unlike those in Round Rock or Austin or Dallas, and the neighborhoods don't have an HOA, and well there may be 8 cars in the parking lot, I could get used to Corpus Christi. I have come to realize this memorial weekend that home is where you make it. If you home is filled with love and laughter it doesn't matter if the domain is 10 miles away or if you have a sprouts. I am so excited to start this new journey with my great husband.
Pictures from the Mast Crawfish: Eat your Heart Out