Last weekend I had the privilege to go to one of my sorority
sister’s wedding. Ashley’s wedding was amazing; I have not seen a wedding like
that in real life. I thought I was in Beverly Hills at a chic restaurant or
club. When you’re married it seems like every wedding you go to makes you think
of your own marriage and mistakes/victories you have made along the way.
Telling you the victories would be no fun right? So I will
tell you some of the mistakes I have learned from in our short 2 years of
First Lesson: Everyone is different. Do not have
unrealistic expectations.
My grandmother is the woman! Everything of hers was absolutely
perfect including dinners, cleaning, and clothing. You know one of those ladies
who wear stockings with everything. She taught me how to make the bed military
style, with crisp corners and perfect pleats. So when I got married, I just
assumed Matt and I would be on the same bed making page. Boy was a wrong!
Matt had the day off and I was a work, so like any wife I
made him a list of chores to get done. List included Cleaning, Bills,
Groceries, and BED! I came home and everything was done except the BED! So I
called him furiously, “Matt! You know you could have warned me I was going to
come home to an unmade bed.” To which Matt replies, “Hunny, I am so sorry I was
so busy doing all the other things on the list. I will make it as soon as I get
home.” Yikes, what a witch! What was thinking? Lesson learned! Have realistic expectations.
Second Lesson: Although I enjoy the awkward moments, Matt
does not!
For instance, Matt
and I went to a Halloween party of my friend Ruthie’s and saw one of my old
friends. They asked me where I got my costume. I said well “I got the leotard
from Goodwill…..but then I decorated it.” Then it dawned on me and here comes
the TMI. “I didn’t wash it so I am probably getting diseases as we speak.” Matt
slaps his forehead! Opps…. Couldn’t help myself. So now I think twice about
what comes out of my mouth but usually say it anyway.
Third Lesson: Marriage is out of control
I have a naturally controlling personality, which has been a
vice of mine in relationships. I was able to keep it under wraps during our
dating days but now that we are married it has intensified and is out in full
For instance, one of my new things is seeing how far I can push Matt by
asking, “Will you lick my toe?” or “Will you sniff my armpit?” So not lady
like, and I would have never landed Matt with such nonsense. But I find it humorous
seeing his breaking point, which is definitely the toe licking.
Some things I am still working on, others I choose to keep
around for good blog entries. But, by being a part of other people’s special
day, I am constantly reminded that every day married to Matt is special. I
finally met my match!