Holiday Season in the Fullenwider Household is full of family, traveling, games, and laughs. The year it all began by traveling down to good ole Belton, Texas, where Matt's Family lives. Belton is growing on me, never in Austin would you go to the feed store to buy last minute presents. Upon entering my Mother-In-Law leans over to me and says, "OK Cassie, no jokes! And here's a tip, that lifeguard stand over there is a deer blind!" Boy I love Belton!
We had our first annual Fullenwider basketball tournament. I promised myself not to hurt anybody. So I left half way into it to make sure my scary, unattractive, competitive side didn't show in full force on Christmas Eve.
Matt's family has a tradition of playing Christmas carols with chimes. This year we had some extended family in town that added to the chaos. Erin (sister-in-law) and I thought we would add to the fun by making fart noises when it was our turn to chime. They should have known better.

The day after Christmas aka My Birthday Eve, I met with some of my oldest friends Stacy and Erin. It is so comfortable around people you have known your whole life and interesting to see how different and similar you still are. I feel as though each of us add something different to our unique friendship.
For my Birthday Matt and I took the day off to spend with each other. With Matt's crazy schedule we really miss just spending time with each other. One of my very best friends Chanelle meet us for some shopping. It was the best surprise! Then we saw a movie! Our favorite thing to do for birthday's is pick out our own presents. My birthday was filled with skulls and sparkles! Not a big surprise!
This years gifts that keep on giving is my new journal to record 2013 memories. This year I am promising myself to not look back and not remember anything. I also got an membership in order to learn about the people that made it possible for me to live such a blessed life. I am excited to learn about my great grandparents and my great greats! It will be great ;)!
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